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Studying film, aspiring writer-director, interested in science as hobby.
This is my niche blog for subtle things I consider worth mentioning.

I'm someone who studies film and have amateur interest in space sciences. I describe myself as a perfectionist, nihilist and a futurist....


I'm someone who studies film and have amateur interest in space sciences. I describe myself as a perfectionist, nihilist and a futurist. I'm also atheist. I do love science and art equally as I think as I should have, as a human brain consists of two equal parts: an emotional lobe and an analythical lobe. I see science and art as things that give power to each other. I believe in the importance of time as well as it is something we have very few of, aside from the fear to use it so well that so we can achieve anything we possibly can I don't see many things I have lived in the past as losses, as I have gained much from them to become the man I am today. Even tough I have equal interests to them, I can't do science professionally as my talents lie more in the artistic side. I very much enjoy writing original stories and screenplays and plan to do a career in film directing.


As someone who's interested in storytelling, particularly visual storytelling, naturally I follow many mediums of storytelling. Primarily cinema, tv series', video games, anime and some others.


Cinema my greatest passion. The area I am specializing, -- the industry or art -- human race have led to represent itself to alien civilizations -- or whatever that's out there listening -- the peak culture of the blue marble in the vastness of the void. The seventh art!
Will it continue to amaze us? Will it come to a stop? Will it go even further than our wildest imaginations? Or will it slowly die out? What is the future's form of art that will define humanity? Film, tv series', mini series' or a blend of all? Video games? Or virtual reality movies that feel almost like video games? Who knows how will the world develop, but we all hope that it will evolve to a better state. From the blockbuster to the arthouse, it is here for us and it will one way or the other continue to amaze us, as it is the mother of all visual storytelling. If there is one: God bless cinema.


Tv series' are one of the most familiar mediums to me. Out of the four I focus, it is probably the medium I have spent the most of my time of, have probably been the most satisfied with. But as with all the mediums it isn't without its issues. They're neverending, for start. They're never complete until the last episode. That means years. But we all know what tv series' are. But sometimes you just want something with a start, development, and an end. That's when they don't cut it. That's why I think they should be not too long. Preferrably 3 seasons or so. Out of the three digits amount of shows I have seen, very few have gone beyond 6 seasons and did not ruin the whole thing.

Lost is one of my favorites but I do admit it gone worse and worse after 4th season to the end. It is still one of my favorites because it handled the elements of mystery and thriller on a level that is unseen like Michelangelo's brush strokes, but, sure, it is a flawed one.


I have been playing video games since last years of 20th century, I am a PC gamer since first days of 21st century. I have played more than 200 narrative video games. My favorites are Mass Effect, Half-Life, Fahrenheit and Silent Hill 2. I like role playing games, narrative first person games and open world.

Tough Mass Effect is my all-time favorite and not in only video games but throughout the entire mediums of storytelling. The defining story. No insult to Hitchcocks, Citizen Kanes, Kubricks. No intention to forget some of the most memorable scenes in tv narrative history, no reason to ignore the greatest fantasies being made real… It's just that Mass Effect simply outmatches all, and by a margin. A sci-fi, a role-playing game that you, yourself can shape, an epic-scaled universally emotional story that makes use of all the elegant storytelling themes the human race made up of in its existence, it is the moment of creation our entire civilization has led to. Something remarkably beautiful.


Anime are the least familiar medium to me in a medium of -- give or take -- mastered mediums.
Still, I have seen nearly 150 of it. And I have probably seen most of the masterpieces. I do love anime, despite the fact that it -- on average -- fails to deliver. It is the only medium with the flexibility it has. More or less anything's possible there. The different isn't always good but it's generally a good thing. Despite the flaws, I thank the Japanese for delivering me Ano Hana, Berserk, Another, Ghost Hound and some others.

Ano Hana and Berserk, which are the only series' I have rated with a clear 10/10, are some of the finest masterpieces I have seen out of all mediums. How can one ignore anime when there's such a reality?
I like to watch multiple, ended shows at once, I can't bear to marathon most of the anime, altough I like to, they don't allow me to do so by failing to keep my attention up. I still watch them and will continue watch them. These days I have some to catch up, but it will probably always be something to come back to.